lunes, 27 de junio de 2016

“Elo rating system

League of legends has been developed as a ranking system to find other players of a similar skill level to play with or against. If we want to call this system with a name, it would be “Elo rating system”, it’s because your position in the classification is decided by your skills at playing the game, you Elo.
Before starting to play this game, consider to keep this in mind.
·         If had considered this game as a simple game, you would have made a terrible mistake. This game is one of the most competitive games in the world, there is people who have become rich from playing this game.
·         The better you behavior, the better your win rate. professional player wouldn’t have been rich and PRO players if they hadn’t been honorable player during their games.
Your Elo is described by 6 divisions, and every division is divided by 5 levels
Tiers from the lowest to highest:

·         Unranked (Provisionals)
·         Bronze
·         Silver
·         Gold
·         Platinum
·         Diamond
·         Master
·         Challenger

Divisions from the lowest to highest:
·         V
·         IV
·         III
·         II
·         I
The most of the people is located in Bronze division by their poor Abilities during the game, and only a few are Challenger (Professional people). There is the average of people per division.(based on )

Challenger I - 201 - (0.12%)
Diamond I - 424 - (0.25%)
Diamond II - 262 - (0.15%)
Diamond III - 472 - (0.28%)
Diamond IV - 684 - (0.40%)
Diamond V - 1725 - (1.01%)
Platinum I - 947 - (0.55%)
Platinum II - 1397 - (0.82%)
Platinum III - 1,895 - (1.11%)
Platinum IV - 2,244 - (1.31%)
Platinum V - 4,796 g (2.81%)
Gold I - 2,546 - (1.49%)
Gold II - 3,314 - (1.94%)
Gold III - 4,714 - (2.76%)
Gold IV - 5,100 - (2.99%)
Gold V - 10,703 - (6.27%)
Silver I - 7,274 - (4.26%)
Silver II - 9,615 - (5.63%)
Silver IlI - 12,994 - (7.61%)
Silver IV - 15,367 - (9.00%)
Silver V - 23,982 - (14.0%)
Bronze I - 12,158 - (7.12%)
Bronze II - 13,680 - (8.01%)
Bronze III - 12,557 - (7.35%)
Bronze IV - 10,710 - (6.27%)
Bronze V - l1,008 - (6.45%)

Challenger is consider as the highest division. The challenger division is involved of the most skilled and competitive league of legends players.
The only taht you need to become Callenger is to keep practicing and improving you play skill. then...Let's play  and Welcome to the summoners rift!

domingo, 15 de mayo de 2016

League Of Legends

Welcome to the Summoner's Rift

League of Legends is a Free to play Multiplayer Online Arena Best called L.O.L. It is played for million of people around the world.

It's a team oriented strategy game, in which you play together with your teammates to bring down the enemy team Nexus located at the other corner of the map, of course, all this before take down yours.
The game is developed by Riot games. This American Esports Company was founded by Brandon "Ryze" Beck, and Marc "Tryndamere" Merrill.

The game's tournaments are seen by million of people. Recently the Mid Season Invitational Tournament (MSI) take place at the Shanghai Oriental Sports Center on China.

Image 1. Mid Season Invitational. China.

If you want to know more about this game let me know on the comments.
